Stronger Together Than As One.
About Us
Sickle Cell Foundation of Minnesota (SickleCellMN) was founded in 2015 in response to a long-standing need for a community-based patient advocacy organization with services that address the needs of the sickle cell community and provide an infrastructure and support system for research, advocacy, education, and collaboration with healthcare systems and community allies.
Improving the quality of life for individuals and communities affected by sickle cell disease (SCD) and sickle cell trait (SCT) through education, advocacy, community empowerment, and equitable access to knowledgeable and compassionate care.
To effectively achieve our mission, Sickle Cell Foundation of Minnesota actively advocates for improved quality of care, direct access to services for sickle cell patients and community education and awareness through outreach programs and targeted events.
To change the sickle cell narrative by connecting people, providers, and improved outcomes.
We believe that the road to changing the sickle cell narrative is through developing key partnerships with the sickle cell and medical communities.
By connecting individuals and families living with sickle cell to one another, to knowledgeable and compassionate medical care and to education that increases community awareness, we believe we can help to improve health outcomes that also improve and enhance quality of life.
Healthy individuals, equitable access to expert care, community-centered solutions!
Our commitment to the sickle cell community is deeply rooted in our belief that we are stronger together than as one. We value our individual and community health, equitable access to competent care and community-centered solutions.
The foundational pillars of our work create the building blocks necessary to increase health literacy, build support networks, and empower individuals.
By working together, we will create partnerships that increase meaningful and healthy interactions with one another and with the healthcare community.
SickleSMART Health Education Programs
Health Advocacy & Leadership Programs
Patient Assistance Programs
Patient Empowerment Programs
Calendar of Events
Sickle Cell Data Collection Project (SCDC)